Results of a study by international research agency GfK Starch into advertising effectiveness have shown that full-page and multi-page adverts are significantly more memorable than those which only partially occupy a page in a print newspaper. Full-colour ads are noticed by 43% more people than those printed in black & white. Full-page ads also motivate more consumers to take action – by nearly twice the norm.
Commissioned by Times Media, the intensive noting study was motivated by “an imperative for advertisers and media agencies to understand how their advertising is impacted by the size of the placement, and the important use of colour and design,” says Trevor Ormerod, General Manager Sales & Marketing for Times Media.
With a database of international print ad-noting research dating back to October 2008, GfK Starch has evaluated more than 626,000 ads across 275 major product categories globally. The South African study was conducted with 2,461 readers of The Times, Sunday Times and Business Day. Fifty-nine ads across a total of eight issues were evaluated for their stopping power, brand association, engagement, and ability to drive consumer action.
The highest noting scores were for ads spanning multiple pages, with an average of 86%. Full-page ad recollection was 71%, while smaller ads scored 54% on average. Colour ads were noted with a frequency of 60% while those in black & white only 42%. Larger ad-spreads also drove more consumers to take action – looking for more information, having a more favourable opinion of a brand, considering a purchase, or visit Company’s website.
“We’re very proud of the quality research that has been delivered to the industry as a whole, showing that people do pay attention to the ads they see in our Newspapers,” says Ormerod. “As part of our commitment in ensuring clients maximise awareness out of their print ad campaigns, we will be conducting further noting studies as added value, at no additional cost to our clients – the only criteria will be that they invest in a campaign of two full page advertisements or four-and-a-half, half pages in an individual title over a month period. This offer will apply to all the Times Media publications.”
The added value noting study results will give clients valuable insights into the performance and creative effectiveness of their campaign.
Click on the link below to download complete GfK Starch presentation document
GfK Starch in South Africa – Evaluating Print Ad Effectiveness