Sunday Times Website Rate Card

Times Media Advertising Room


The Sunday Times strives to provide knowledge its readers know they can trust, knowledge they can use to improve their lives and those of their families. The trust that both readers and advertisers have in the Sunday Times is nurtured by maintaining consistently high editorial standards. This high calibre of journalism and photography is recognised by the prestigious awards won by the Sunday Times, such as the Sanlam Top Financial Journalist and Companies & Markets Reporting award, the extraordinarily prestigious Global Shining Light award, and the overall Vodacom of the Year.

Desktop CPM
300×250(expansion allowed) R500
300×600 (expansion allowed) R650
728×90 (expansion allowed) R550
1000×90/970×90 (expansion allowed) R650
1000×250/970×250 (expansion allowed) R750
Takeover(Wallpaper + Companion Banners)
Homepage R15 000
Business POA
Africa POA
Motoring POA
Entertainment POA
Sport POA
Mobile CPM
300×250 R540
320×50/300×50 (expansion allowed) R540
Takeover (Sponsorship of above, Homepage only or per section) POA
300×250 R400
300×600 R400
728×90 R400
320×50 R400
1024×768 Tablet Splash (Landscape) R400
768×1024 Tablet Splash (Portrait) R400
480×340 Mobile Splash (Landscape) R400
340×480 Mobile Splash (Portrait)
Newsletter PER SEND
Native Content Packages PER PACKAGE
Small (1-2 articles, 4-6 Tweets, 2 Facebook posts, Banners) POA
Medium (3-4 articles, 1 video, 4-6 Tweets, 2 Facebook posts, Banners) POA
Large (5-8 articles, 2 videos, 4-6 Tweets, 2 Facebook posts, Banners) POA
Chargeads Native CPM
Instream ad
End of article ad R250
Teads CPM
Inread R400
Hosted Video CPM
Preroll 600 across network
Direct or Auction Environment Deals POA
Audience Segments
Sport Enthusiasts POA
Lifestyle Enthusiasts POA
Business Readers POA
Speak to us about your specific
advertising requirements. If you can think it we can probably do it.

R500 CPM

Times Media Advertising Room

R550 CPM

Times Media Advertising Room


Times Media Advertising Room

R650 CPM

Times Media Advertising Room

R750 CPM

Times Media Advertising Room

Various Sizes
R15 000 per day

Times Media Advertising Room

Terms and Conditions

Rates Exclude VAT Terms and Conditions Apply

All prices are quoted in CPM (Cost per thousand) unless stated otherwise
Booking deadline 48 hours before go live
Material deadline 48 hours before go live
Minimum spend of R5,000
Discounts applied in line with spends and campaign duration
Costs excluding VAT and include agency commission
Agencies to be accredited to qualify for 16.5%
Non account clients to pay COD
All inventory subject to availability